Thursday, April 10, 2014

Marmalade Jam

Marmalade Jam


1 pound seville oranges, about 4 (washed)
1 lemon (washed)
4 cups water
4 cups sugar

1. Cut the oranges and lemon in half cross wise.
2. Squeeze the juice and pits out through a mesh sieve collecting the juice in a large sauce pan.
3. Scrape all of the membranes and remaining pulp from the inside of the oranges. (For me it all came out easily leaving behind just the pith.)
4. Collect the pit, membranes and any pulp that came out and place it in a double layer of 8 inch square cheese cloth and tie it off.
5. Slice the orange and lemon peels into small thin pieces about 1/8 inch wide and no longer than an inch.
6. Bring the juice, water, peels and cheesecloth to a simmer over medium heat and cook, covered, until the peel gets tender, about 2 hours. Stir every 15 minutes, squeezing the juices from the cheesecloth when you do.
7. Remove the cheesecloth and squeeze out any liquid into the pot.
8. At this point you should have about 4 cups of liquid. Add more water if you have less and simmer to reduce if you have more.
9. Bring the liquid and sugar to a roiling boil until it thickens, about 10-15 minutes. To test, place a small spoonful on a plate that was in the freezer and run your finger through. If the path where your finger went through stays then it has set.
10. Pour into your jars leaving 1/2 inch of space at the top, seal, let cool and refrigerate.

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