Thursday, February 27, 2014

moong dhal Puttu

moong dhal PuttuLike


Moong dhal 100 gram
Sugar 200 gram
 Salt pinch
Coconut half
 Ghee 100 gram


Step 1 : Measure 100 moong dhal keep separately. Soak moong dhal, in water atleast 2 to 3 hours.
Step2 :Then drain water from moong dalseeds and add it to the grinder.
While adding moong dhal take care the grinder doesn’t get stuck. Sprinkle water then and there and grind it for 20mins in total.
Its always better to stand near at least during the final stage of till the proper consistency is reached.
Keep sprinkling water in between at regular intervals. The batter should be light and nice fluffy and pinch of salt.
Step3 :Take a ladle full and add it to the idly pan and steam it for 10-12mins.
Sprinkle little water and carefully slide around the edges to take the idly.
Step 4 :If you want to check out whether it is done, just wet your finger and insert it in a idly and it is not sticky just switch off the flame
and take the idly plate out After a few seconds dip a spoon in water and carefully take out the idly and transfer them to the serving plate.
 Do not take out when the idly are hot as it will not come out properly.
Step 5 : Blend each moong dhal idly add sugar ingredients together on medium speed in a blender;
 blend until the mixture has a smooth consistency.
Step 6 : the mixture into a bowl add ghee and coconut powder and serve.
  Step7 : Enjoy the taste

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