Friday, June 13, 2014

Gooseberry Jam Indian Style

Gooseberry  Jam Indian Style
The process is the same except that we use spices to give more fragrance to the jam.

• Gooseberry (amla) - 500 gms. 
• Sugar - 500 gms. 
• Cardamom - 3-4 pods
Cinnamon  2-3 sticks ( small)

1.Follow the same steps from 1 to 4 as given above 
2.Powder the cardamom and cinnamon seeds and keep it ready.
3.After the seeds are removed and the paste is cooled , blend the gooseberries in the mixer and make a paste.
4.Put the gooseberries paste into the pot/pan along with sugar and cook on a medium flame till done and turn off the flame.
5. After you remove the jam from the flame add the ground cardamom and cinnamon powder and  put  it into the jam and stir well.
6. Test the jam if it is set and store in streilised dry glass containers

Tip: The same jam can become a sherbet or drink .Simple take a big table spoon of the jam and dilute it with a little water till it dissolves and pour cold water and serve it .If you want more taste just add more of the jam and  it makes a refreshing drink in summer.

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